Big Brother Season 20 Promo Package
Reality Television Times 20
Promo Package & Toolkit

20 Seasons In
Big Brother Continues To Define Reality TV. It was created at the inception of what we think of today as “Reality TV”. It’s gone on to inspire numerous shows, an entire network dedicated to the genre, and a reality show about housewives we can’t stop watching for some reason that defies our guilty beliefs. Despite where the reality genre has taken us, Big Brother is still here – and as insane as ever celebrating the shows 20th season. We’re honored to team up with the creative team at CBS to craft the visual identity of Big Brother Season 20 across their promo packages.

A Tropical Toolkit
Tropical paradise, meet hidden cameras. Big Brother is a summer themed show, taking place on a picturesque house (if you can call this posh estate as a simple “house”) where the cast is filmed 24/7 by camera’s hidden in every corner. That dichotomy of perfect summer vacation married to the always present hidden camera is what the design of Season 20 was to evoke. Defining the tropical look of Season 20 was one thing, the real task was breaking it apart and distilling the design down into a flexible toolkit the team at CBS could use to craft endless promos with. When we look at toolkits, we consider every element within it to be an equally important part in the branding of the show. If a viewer only sees a lower-third, do they know that element comes from Big Brother Season 20? Everything should point back to the show we’re helping brand, building up the equity within.

Weaving Together Season 20’s Look
From Big Brother Season 20, the consistent use of geometric shapes, married to a distinct color palette and copious use of the word “palm fronds” helped thread a consistent look and feel through every element. And that’s the biggest task with any promo identity: establish a set of rules (designs) that can be used in numerous ways to frame the show. We’re excited where we landed with Season 20, and look forward to tuning into some guilt-free reality television this summer. It’s about time we found something better than “The Continuing Misadventures of Some Housewife” or whatever it’s called…