Febreze Commercial Campaign
So Fresh and So Clean Clean
Commercial Spots


Bye Bye Odor, Hello Happy
Our allies at P&G, Grey Group and Townhouse were rolling out a new season of Febreze commercials, and needed to show off each products’ unique ability to pull odors from the air and soft materials. We’d like to think our sh#t don’t stink, but even we need a little refresh from time to time. With production set to take place in Colombia, we quickly jumped aboard and headed abroad.
Keep It Fresh
For 3 weeks, we worked in Colombia with local talent and production to create spots showcasing Febreze’s aerosol, spray and small spaces air fresheners. We put our own spin on the brand’s well-established design aesthetic with bright, family-oriented spaces ready to be attacked by animals, teenagers and takeout alike.

Up Close and Personal
To characterize how Febreze gets the job done, we brought in our full arsenal of creative capabilities and a hearty dose of collaboration with our comrades. From dynamic cloud simulations to CG objects floating inside bubbles, we take a macro, “scientific” look at how Febreze absorbs odor from the air, encapsulates it and breaks it up for more fruitful tidying.
Breathin’ Easy
The art direction and multicultural casting of the spots needed to speak to several global markets–the US and UK, Europe, South America and Canada. They’re still running today–being seen around the world, streaming and on broadcast, inspiring all humans to kick odor to the curb. We consider this to be a PSA of sorts because flushing your toilet without closing the lid really does spread germs and odor. You’ve been warned.