Vivofit Jr. Campaign
Keeping Imaginations Active
Commercial Spots


Star Wars

Disney Princesses

Envision Childhood Playfulness
Gone are the days of covering ourselves in variously sized cardboard boxes and pretending we’re RoboCop. Ok, fine, it was yesterday. But today, Garmin’s Vivofit Jr. 2 encourages kids to stay active while giving them a way to engage in the magical imagination of youth. We worked alongside Garmin to create three spots that illustrated just how far fantasy can go when given the right inspiration. For the kids. Not us. Kinda.

We Can Be Heroes
Directing kids (and a super cute dog) is always a fun challenge, especially when we’re asking them to pretend to dance with Minnie Mouse, fight like Captain America, or spar with Kylo Ren. Can’t ask kids to do what you aren’t willing to do yourself. While on set we found ourselves choreographing a lightsaber battle with the kids, stopped in the middle of it and looked at each other and said, “this is our job?” We worked alongside the internal team at Garmin who rocked out some pretty amazing animated elements that brought the kids’ imaginations to life-transforming the ordinary into something totally awesome.

It’s Adventure Time
The spots showed how kiddos can grab a friend, a cool fitness tracker with their favorite theme and turn the inspiration up to an 11. Because imagination is universal, everyone gets one. Even our curmudgeonly neighbor who always wants us to, “Keep it down!” at our pool parties.