Business Product Video Refresh
Minimal Meets the Eye
Product Video


(All I Really Want) Is Customer Satisfaction
Grammarly approached WAR with an opportunity to help shape the creative vision for their next phase of Grammarly Business outreach efforts. Operating within the brand’s existing guidelines, we dove into a modest approach for the spot that prioritized a streamlined graphic language and clean compositions to serve as an educational tool for current, new, and future users about Grammarly’s product benefits. With minimalist compositions as the base, we injected high contrast strokes and bold graphic shadows to create an eye-catching look that focuses on showcasing the usability of the UI and readability of the copy. Developed in parallel with the spot’s design language, the script offered straightforward and easily digestible VO to ensure coherent communication across the board. With a brand guideline-friendly refresh to their product video, we armed them with an essential tool that will help secure future business effectively.