IMAX with Laser
High Concept Design for IMAX
Concept and Visual Design Development

Visualize IMAX Technology
IMAX is the pinnacle of the cinematic experience. The massive screen, comfortable seats, and incredible sound all make for memorable movie-going experiences. For their upgraded cinemas, IMAX wanted to explore concepts and language to help convey their new laser projection technology along with upgraded theaters and sound design.

Start with the Audience
As with any concept development job, we needed to start at the beginning. In this case, we targeted the moviegoer and defined the demographic. By building our own audience outline, we then began to explore developmental approaches that might better target these groups. Both design and messaging that spoke to their sensibilities and what they’re looking for when going to the movies informed our research.
We’re biased because we’re big fans of watching everything on the IMAX screen but a quick study on audience types identified some core challenges as well as some interesting potential directions.

The Conceptual Spectrum
Our directions were designed to target specific moviegoers while also catching the attention of everyone else. The movie aficionado from the suburbs looking for the best experience with his limited time in town. People living nearby that want to see something they’ve never seen before. These concepts sought to inspire and captivate a wide audience spectrum.

Marketing on All Fronts
As we developed each concept direction, we opened our canvas up to more marketing touch-points. As audiences become more technologically savvy, we find it important to reach them in new and unique ways that won’t dilute the overall impact.