Every Simpsons Ever Promo Campaign
Putting a Twist on Springfield
Promo Spots

Eat Up



Fresh IDs for a Global Icon
The Simpsons is a show predicated on simplicity of animation style: clean, bold…wearing the same darn clothes every single day. Behind these creatures of habit is a complex lore fans are hungry for. Lucky for them, the entire Simpsons catalogue is now on FXX, and promos that pay homage to the crude, the crass and the banal rituals of Springfield are in order. Our mission: find the inside jokes that’ll satisfy hardcore fans to build a weird, infinite loop of the Simpson world.
The single best use of our time since we started the Cary Elwes fan club.

Down the 3-Eyed Rabbit Hole
Dry-cleaning, Durga Puja, donuts, “doh” and everything in between, we explored it hard. We dove deep through our favorite plots: The 3-Eyed Radiated Fish, Spider Pig, the Aliens who should know better than to meddle with one Homer Simpson. And the mundane: their dogged wardrobe, Marge’s hair, Maggie’s death-defying supermarket checkout, Homer’s eternal “why you little….” struggle to choke the life out of his son (not a parenting tactic we endorse, btw). All while staying true to the traditional, hand-drawn animation techniques.

Animating a Legend
After we landed on a set of promos FXX and us believed in, it was time to brush off the pen and paper and get to work. The Simpsons is a traditionally animated show, we had to adapt to their brand of animation to make these promos feel authentic. Not only that, our work had to get vetted by Matt Groening himself for the final approval. No pressure.

What Oddball Dreams Are Made Of
Negative space, endless loops, the Simpsons’ iconic color palette, and animated Homer eating an FXX-sized donut is a weirdness combo we dig. The Simpsons’ special brand of humor got us through many-a-night in high school, it still does to be honest. The fact that our work passed by the creators of the show for their final sign off still gives us the shivers. We made a gif of us geeking out over that email, but we’ll spare ourselves the embarrassment.